Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Strict Ring Dips: 4 sets x(-2) reps w/3 sec pause @bottom + RDL: 3 sets x14 reps @50% + Russian KB...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean & Jerk: Build to a heavy single for the day #METCON 20 Rounds 2 Front Squats @135/95 4 HSPUs 6 T2B...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Supinated Grip Inverted Rows: x8-12 Reps + :40-:60 sec Banded Plank Hold + 15 Weighted Sit-ups x4 Rounds...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH OHS: Building to a 5 RM Option 2: Snatch Balance: Building to a heavy 4 rep and 2 rep #METCON :30 second...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A. Strict Pull-ups: 2 sets x(max) reps (resting 2 mins between) B. Kipping Pull-ups: 2 sets x(-2) reps...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Front Squats: Building to a 5 RM #METCON 3 Rounds @80% 500m Row 12 Push-ups 12 Weighted Sit-ups 6 Power...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Thrusters Building to a 5RM Wide Grip Inverted Rows: 3-4 sets x8-12 reps (weighted for those with 12 reps...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Banded Pallof Press: 4 sets x12 reps (complete both sides) + Single Arm Weighted Suitcase Hold: 4 sets...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean Complex: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Power Cleans below the Knee + 3 Cleans Above the Knee (power or squat):...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A. Option 1: HSPUs: 3 sets x(-2) reps Strict + (-2) reps kipping Option 2: A1. Bench Press: 5 sets x8...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Option 1: Snatch Grip Deadlift + Power Snatch + Snatch (power or squat) Option 2: Snatch Pull + Power...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Thruster: Building to a 6RM (from the rack) #METCON CFG Open 13.2 AMRAP 10 5 S2OH @115/75 10 Deadlifts 15...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean Grip Deadlift: Building to a heavy 6 Rep + Drop set RDLs @50% of “A": 2 sets x12 reps #METCON...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A1. Single Arm Bent Over Rows: 4 sets x15 reps (each) + A2. Suitcase Hold: 4 sets x:60 sec (each side)...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Option 1: HSPU Complex: 3 sets x(-2) Strict reps + (-2) Kipping reps Rest 1:30-2 mins between Option 2:...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Bent Over BB Rows: Building to a heavy 7 rep — Max Strict Pull-up — Max Ring Rows #METCON Rowing...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Front Squat: Build to a heavy for the day (no failed attempts) + Drop set Front Squat Complex: 3 sets: 2...