Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press: Building to a 1RM #METCON AMRAP 6 6 WBs @20/14 5 Pull-ups 4 Burpee Touches Rest 3 mins AMRAP...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press: Building to a 1RM #METCON AMRAP 6 6 WBs @20/14 5 Pull-ups 4 Burpee Touches Rest 3 mins AMRAP...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Snatch: Building to a 1RM #METCON AMRAP 20 15/12 Cal Row 10 Box Step-ups @24/20" 5 Strict HSPUs/7 HSPUs/7...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press: 4 sets x6 reps w/pause @top (every rep) + Banded Lateral Plank Hold: 4 sets...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Weighted Pull-up: Building to a 1 Rep MAX Pull-ups #METCON For Time 1 Squat Clean Thruster @75/55 21...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean & Jerk: Building to 1RM #METCON 5 Rounds 12 DB Front Rack Lunges @35/20 8 Burpees over DBs 12 DB...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Bench: Building to 1 RM #METCON 15 Rounds 3 C&Js @115/83 2 Lateral Burpees 100m Run Coaches Challenge BB...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean: Building to a 1RM #METCON AFAP 150ft Double KB Walking Lunge @53/35 50 Sit-ups 100ft KB Walking...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Snatch Wave: 3.2.1-3.2.1-3.2.1 #METCON AMRAP 15 18/15 Cal Row 12 Deadlifts @95/65 9 Hang Power Cleans 6...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat: Building to a 1RM #METCON AFAP 50m Sled @115/95 100m Run 50m Sled x5 Rounds Resting 3-4 mins...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A. Weighted Pull-ups: 4 sets x4-6 reps B. Strict Pull-ups: 2 sets x(max reps) Rest 2 minute between...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Clean & Jerk: x1 rep every 1:30 x8 Rounds (beginning at a comfortable weight and slowing increasing...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A. Muscle Snatch: x2 reps every 1:30 x5 Rounds B. Power Snatch: x1 rep every minute x6 rounds @80% of of...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press: Percentages 55% of 6 rep: 1 sets x6 60% of 4 rep: 2 sets x4 65% of 2 rep: 4 sets x1 rep...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat: Percentages 60% of 9 rep: 1 set x9 reps 65% of 6 rep: 2 sets x3 reps 70% of 3 rep: 3 sets x1...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Squat Clean Cluster 1.1.1 #METCON 2 Rounds 16 Front Rack Lunges @75/55 8 Strict Pull-ups 16 OHS — Into, —...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Cluster 1.1 #METCON For Time 400m KB Farmer Carry @53/35 (Run + 5 Bench Press) 300m KB Front...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A1. Banded Clean Grip Deadlift: x3 reps (75% of most recent heavy single Clean or 67% of most recent...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Jerk Building to a 2 rep MAX #METCON 14 minute Clock (ascending ladder) Ladder:1-2-3-4-5-6-etc. 400m Run...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat Cluster: 1.1.1 #METCON Karen For time 150 Wall Balls @ 14/20# #missionaccomplished Nice work...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Power Snatch Cluster 1.1.1 #METCON AMRAP 13 500m Row 30 Box Step-ups @24/20" 100 DUs 50Â KB Swings @53/35...