Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Building to a 2 rep #METCON For Time 50 DUs 150m Run 35 Russian KB Swings @53/35 50 DUs 150m...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Building to a 2 rep #METCON For Time 50 DUs 150m Run 35 Russian KB Swings @53/35 50 DUs 150m...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH 3 Squat Clean + Jerk #METCON For Time 21-15-9 Back Squat @135-155/95-105 T2B/Knee Tucks...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A1. Banded Pallof Press: x12 Reps + A2. Weighted Lateral Step ups: x8 reps + A3. Single Arm Suitcase...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Bench Building to a 2 rep #METCON :30 second Stations Station 1: Cal Row Station 2: Box Step Ups @24/20”...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Power Snatch Building to a 3 rep #METCON “Angie” 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Air Squats...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat: Building to a 3 rep #METCON For Time 400m Run 20 alt Hang DB Snatches @50/35 100 DUs 20 alt...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Below the Knee Squat Clean Cluster 1.1.1 #METCON For Time 2 Rounds of: 9-7-5 Pull-ups Front Squats...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Cluster 2.2 #METCON 3 Rounds 21 Deadlifts @135-155/95-105 15 HSPUs/DB Push Presses...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH A1. Banded Clean Grip Deadlift @1” Deficit: x3 reps (73% of most recent heavy single Clean or 65% of most...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Jerk Build to a heavy 3 #METCON Rowing Intervals 150m Row Rest 1:1 300m Row Rest 1:1 500m Row Rest 1:1...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat Cluster: 2.2.2 #METCON Athletes Choice “Grace" or “Isabel” #missionaccomplished Nice work...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Below the Knee Power Snatch Cluster 1.1.1 #METCON For Time 2 Rounds 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Wallballs...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Building to a 4 rep #METCON Running Clock :30 Seconds of alt. Hang DB Snatches :30 Seconds of...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH 3 Below the Knee Hang Squat Clean + Jerk #METCON Running Clock AMRAP 5 7 Thrusters 75-95/55-65 35 DUs —...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Wide Grip Inverted Rows: x8 reps + Weighted Hollow Rocks: x8-10 reps x4 Rounds — — 40ft DB Back Bear...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Bench Building to a 4 rep #METCON 3 Minute Clock 10 Burpee Touches (6” target) 10 T2B/Knee Tucks 7 Burpee...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Below the Knee Power Snatch Building to a 3 rep #METCON Nancy 5 Rounds 400m Run 15 OHS @95/65...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Back Squat: Building to a 6 rep #METCON AMRAP 14 @80% 100ft KB Farmer Carry 10 Deadlifts @185/125 10...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Above the Knee Squat Clean Cluster 1.1.1 #METCON AMRAP 5 Ascending Ladder: 1/2-2/4-3/6-4/8-etc. Deadlifts...
Here is today's #WOD! #STRENGTH Push Press Cluster 3.3 #METCON For Time 15 Wall Balls @20/14# 12 T2B 9 CnJs @60% 15 Wall Balls 12 T2B 7...