WARM UP FLOW (10 minutes)
2 rounds for quality
Good Mornings > Plate RDL
Alternating Plate Jumps
Plate Lunges
Lateral Plate Jumps
Alternating Lateral Lunges off Plate
Hip Airplanes
STRENGTH (20 minutes)
Sumo Deadlifts
Level 1) Use DBs or a KB
Level 2) As Designed, every set unbroken
METCON (10 minutes)
AMRAP in 10 minutes (Rounds + reps)
6 DB Lunges @ 40/20
3 Toes to bar
Increase the number of reps of the DB Lunges by 2 and increase the number of reps of the Toes to bar by 1 after each round completed
Level 1) Go lighter or unweighted and V-ups (or) Leg Lifts
Level 2) As designed
Level 3) DBs @ 50/30