WARM UP (8 minutes)
8 minutes of
20 second Bike (or) Ski
12 Alt Bird Dogs
10 Alt Worlds Greatest Stretch
5/5/5/5 T-W-Y-Arnold Press
CONDITIONING (16 minutes)
4 Rounds for Quality (Every 3-4 minutes)
10/8 Calorie Bike (or) Ski
10/10 Paloff Press
20-second Handstand Hold
Level 1) 8/6 Calories, Paloff Press as designed, and 20-second Pike Hold or Wall Walk
Level 2) As Designed.
Level 3) 12/10 Calories, Paloff Press as designed, and 20 second Shoulder Taps
STRENGTH (12 minutes)
Strict Pull-ups
40-60 reps
Level 1) Inverted Barbell Rows (or) Assisted Pull-ups
Level 2) As designed
Level 3) Weighted
METCON (8 minutes)
AMRAP in 8 minutes (Rounds + reps)
8 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges @ 44/25 (x2)
16 Gorilla Rows @ 44/25
Level 1) Use DBs and go lighter, alternating single-arm DB rows
Level 2) As designed
Level 3) KBs @ 54/35 (x2)