WARM UP (5 minutes)
2 Rounds of
Bird Dogs
Alt Worlds Greatest Stretch
Side Plank Rotations
Clam Shells
CORE & ACTIVATION (10 minutes)
4 Rounds for Quality
10 KB Pull-Throughs
10 Alt Plank Toe Touch
MAX Handstand Hold
BARBELL WARM UP (5 minutes)
2-3 reps of each movement for 2 rounds
Snatch Extension
Snatch Pulls
Muscle Snatch
Hang PWR Snatch
Clean Extensions
Clean Pull
Front Squat
Hang Squat Cleans
METCON (24 minutes)
EMOM for 24 minutes
M1) MAX reps PWR Snatch
M2) MAX reps No Push Burpees
M4) MAX reps Squat Cleans
M5) MAX Calorie Row
*scored as 4 Rounds for reps
Scaled @ 75/55
RX @ 115/85
RX+ @ 155/105