Here is today's #WOD!
A1) Deadlifts: Building to a 5 RM
A2) Drop sets @50% performed as an RDL: 2 sets x10 reps
A3) Russian KB Swings: 2 sets x5 (heavy)
(legs and hips only, arms are only used to hold KB, allow shoulders and arms to moved freely while focusing on firing legs and hips to full extension
24 Pull-ups
24 Box Jumps @24/20" (stepping down)
24 Wallballs @24/20
24 Sit-ups
Stay positive and have fun! You are on your way to a happier, life.
Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf
Happier. Healthier.
Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit