Here is today's #WOD!
A) Pull-ups:
Strict Pull-ups: max reps
—rest 2 mins
Strict Chin-ups: max reps
—rest 2 mins
Kipping Pull-ups: complete the number of reps combined from pull-ups & chin-ups
—rest 1 min
Repeat of Kipping Pull-ups
B) Ring Dips: Weighted x4-6 reps + Max reps @body weight
x3 sets
3 Rounds
11 OHS @95/65
9 Power Cleans
7 Rebounding Burpees
500m/425m Row
Rest 2:30 between rounds
Coaches Challenge
BB @135/95
Stay positive and have fun! You are on your way to a happier, life.
Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf
Happier. Healthier.
Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit