Here is today's #WOD!
Strict Press:
Build to a heavy 5 rep and 1 rep
12 T2B/15 Knee Tucks
15/12 Cal Row
(Rest 2 mins)
12 T2B/15 Knee Tucks
15/12 Cal Row
(rest 1:30)
12 T2B/15 Knee Tucks
15/12 Cal Row
(rest 1 min)
12 T2B/15 Knee Tucks
15/12 Cal Row
(rest :30 sec)
12 T2B/15 Knee Tucks
15/12 Cal Row
Stay positive and have fun! You are on your way to a happier, life.
Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf
Happier. Healthier.
Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit